Get in and get all the details (and other cool stuff!), all free.


Know your audience, understand what they actually want... and make a TON more impact.

(Oh, and a ton more money, too.) 


It'll be fun. 😉

Find out why people WANT to pay you 10x more than you're currently charging.

Learn the super fun psychology & the art (yes art! and science!) of creating high-value, high-end programs that people actually want to buy.

Check out what successful people have put in their $5k-25k programs that regular people wanted.

Learn what makes people spend money and the weird things that make them happily say yes... and follow through.

(Side benefit: also get to say "HA!" to the people who think your business isn't a real job.)

Yes! I wanna see this!


What you'll learn during this class...


  • Why YOU do what YOU do... and how that impacts what you decide to sell, how much you decide to charge, and how you describe what you do in a way that makes people NOT BUY.

  • The exact features people value the most so you can include them in your programs, which means people will want them more and get better results.

  • Be a mindreader.  You love learning more about how people think, right?  Why else would you be here?!  Learn how to easily get into the minds of your audience so you understand how they think, what they want, what motivates them and what they would pay almost anything to get.

  • How to 10x your income immediately by changing one small thing about your offers, and get much better results for your buyers.

  • How to describe the benefits of what you do in a way that will make your audience want what you sell (and help you stand out).

  • A completely different way to create successful high-end programs, even $10k or more (with real life examples), even if you struggle to sell lower priced offers, or your by-the-hour services.

  • How a single email made over $100k in a week.

  • How to stand out from all the noise so people will want to work with you, even if you charge more.


The key to making it in your business isn’t to be more understood (except understanding yourself better… which is always cool). 


It’s to understand more.  The minds of the people you want to influence, that is.

As a bonus with this masterclass you'll also get a collection of checklists that will help you:

  • Identify the worst kind of website mistakes (the ones you don't even know you're making), and learn exactly what you need to include so your ideal clients know they're in the right place, and contact you
  • Know the exact phrase you should always say to people who ask about your prices before you have had a chance to talk about the awesome benefits of your services
  • Know how to use the power of psychology and influence in the what you say, the questions you ask and the steps you follow so you can charge what you’re worth and work with clients you love

Whyyyy do people do what they do?

I've been where you are. 

You have a service that helps people, and sometimes wonder why on earth some people happily buy... 

While others don't understand why they need you. 

So you tinker with your website copy... 

You try to comfortably persuade people during sales conversations (without feeling like you're pressuring them, because no one likes that!)... 

You play around with your prices and your programs or your offers or your packages.

Trying to figure it out. So people look at what you have and go "YES! I want to buy that."

I'm Molly, and I've spent what feels like my entire life figuring out why people do what they do and buy what they buy. 

And over the past 12 years have had the privilege of teaching thousands of other fun and wildly creative entrepreneurs to figure out their clients (and themselves) so they can influence, impact and comfortably persuade more people... AND make more money.

And getting it down to a science, so you can learn why YOUR people do stuff.


What you need to know about this class...


WHAT: Free live class that's quick, jam packed, interactive, fun (live bloopers guaranteed)...

AND... FULL of steps and how-to's to quickly turn your business around and get exactly where you want to go... the fastest possible way.

AND stories of crazy successes… business owners going from broke or burned out to thriving consistently with clients they LOVE… and EXACTLY how they did it.

What they did, what they changed, how they changed it, how long it took, and strategies you can straight up copy in your own business.


WHEN: Register now to watch this live on Thursday April 25 at 4pm eastern time / 1pm pacific (and of coursssssse there's a replay if you absolutely can't make it live)

YES! Save my spot!

See what some of our past students said during a previous class...

Yes, lemme in!