Since you're here, that means you probably have a program or course or service that you wish you could sell more.Ā 

Maybe you wonder why people need you...Ā and still choose not to buy.Ā 

I got you! I've been there.Ā Here are the FREE trainings from word nerds and people nerds who have figured it out.

Free PDF Download

High Ticket Offers:

the Secret List of Irresistible Features for Your Courses, Programs & Memberships

The 3 types of features you can easily add to your offers, which will make them irresistible to your audience, make them want to buy... AND the psychology behind why they work.Ā Ā 


šŸ‘‰šŸ» Download Here!


Why do people need what you have... and don't buy?


You had this idea... something you know that EVERYONE needs to know.Ā Ā 

Something that changes lives.

You worked hard and did all the things they said to do.Ā  You created a program to help people.Ā  You put it out there.Ā  You incorporated all the things everyone said they wanted.

You put it up for sale and...


(Or silence.)

Big donuts.Ā  (Meaning zero dollars... or what feels as deflating as $0 even if you're making something.Ā  I know - I've had a $0 launch before!)

How you gonna change the world like THAT?

I've been where you are.Ā 

So you tinker with your website...Ā You play around with headlines and lead magnets and run more and more and more ads.

And post and post on social media and hope someone hears you.

You play around with your prices and your offers or your packages.

Trying to figure it out.Ā So people look at what you have and go "YES!Ā I want to buy that."

I get your frustration.Ā Ā 

I'm Molly.Ā  I'm that fun introvert-loving goofball that adopts you and makes you feel safe, while teaching you why people behave the way they do...

And how to get more of them to buy your stuff.

I help coaches and course creators REALLY understand what their audience REALLY wants so you can give it to them.

And over the past 12 years have had the privilege of teaching thousands of other fun and wildly creative entrepreneurs to figure out theirĀ audience & clients (and themselves) so they can influence, impact and comfortably persuade more people... AND make more money.

We've gotĀ it down to a science, so you can learn how people think, what they really want, what they'll buy... and really, why YOUR people do the stuff they do.


Free PDF Download

the Secret List of Irresistible Features for Your Courses, Programs & Memberships

The 3 types of features you can easily add to your offers, which will make them irresistible to your audience, make them want to buy... AND the psychology behind why they work.


šŸ‘‰šŸ» Download Here!